Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Random bag checks

Shoot to kill is the policy in most countries in regards to terror suspects, I don't argue with that. After the incidents in London one would understand the quick-trigger itch that may be ailing some law enforcers. I totally understand that an officer may prefer to open fire than risk being blown up with the rest of the public. There is one question that we fail to ask, how sure are the enforcers that the person poses a genuine threat? I will never condemn an officer for opening fire on a suspect under terror conditions, I would do the same. That would explain why I want to join the military and deploy as soon as possible;not to kill but protect. Ideally my family will not have it so the next best thing for me is video games, I can get shot 10 times and still make through to the next level. Savvy gamers know all about the cheats and can get infinite life, ammo and fire power, the most damage I incur is poor eyesight. I am now short sighted and prefer low light to bright light, photo-phobia is what the optometrist told me. A story for another day, once addicted to games I was. I am now a recovering addict, withdrawal still lingers even 2 years after I stopped activerly playing; too busy with uni and work now.

Civil liberties will be put aside as we try to protect ourselves from terror and I don't mind having my bags checks every so often so long as it's not after a session at the gym; Hazmat might be called in. Wouldn't you feel better that they are actually searching your bags, isn't that we what want; to be protected. Don't you get the feeling these so called random bag checks will not work, how random will they be? The news we get everyday is that most of the terrorists we have seen on TV appear to be of Arabic or somehow wonnabe Muslims. I have to be careful not to insight hate here because the last thing I want is to vilify anybody, there is enough of that in main stream media circles. Here are the facts we are faced with, majority of these thugs are kinda dark skinned so some people will not be checked. I understand this too, if black people were commiting crimes, I wouldn't head to the northern beaches(where I live) to investigate; simple logic. My problem is 'random bag checks', in the past few weeks all the supposedly checks have been televised, am I blind or are these guys of Asian descent too.

In New York 5 British tourists were frogmarched off the bus, for what? Asian descent and acting suspiciously, appears to be all it takes to have commandos raid a tourist bus. I know am not dressing thug style anymore,forget oversized clothes even in Summer, could seen as carrying TNT in my ass with those low hanging Jeans. I should head to Meyer and buy a few formal shirts, black pants, Smiths leather shoes and ditch the back-pack; clear plastic bags . I wouldn't want lead(cap burst in my ass, for those of you playing at home) lodged in my brain, I understand there isn't much learning one can achieve after this. Plus, given the accuracy of the British elite, 8 shots and none missed? What are the odds, none one is that accurate or so I thought. I am not gonna gamble that the Sydney squad can't aim.............

Oh! One more thing, next time you see men in body armour and automatic weapons running in your direction, stop raise your hands and try and recalling that kindergarten/nursery prayer. The one you learnt before prayers were banned in schools, that one. Oh Lord please forgive me ........................Amen, that is for those who do believe. For all you know they could be acting on flawed intel, comply and you'd rather get an apology from the cops than a state sponsored funeral. I know I aint paying for my own funreal if they shoot me, am putting that in my will as I speak. In these situations it might be worth finding faith, just don't go radical or we'll be putting your ass on the "to do list " too; target practise list. Hey what happened to Osama? Are we still trying to find him or what?

Kman Productions...................................


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