Friday, July 29, 2005

War Of the Chupa Chups

I have finally become a vandal; all in the name Starburst babies (sweets). I am at North Wollongong train station waiting for my train to Sydney, can’t stand anymore of that town. Pity I have to be there for another 1.5yrs, then bounce and might not even return for my graduation. I had just come from a supplementary test that would determine whether I get a vacation home or not. If I pass this test I am all but set to catch the next flight out of the country after the spring session, 11 weeks from now. North Wollongong train station has the usual unreliable vending machines designed by Henry VIII back in the 2nd century. You put your money and you’ll be lucky if you actually anything, I’d rather get a coke instead of a sprite than getting nothing at all. Today was no exception and I put in my precious $3.10 for my lollies, the spring rolls and just when the bag is about the fall into the shoot, you guessed it! Damn! I am not going to kick this machine and nor am I wasting my precious money calling their customer service demanding 3100cents.

The only thing I could do was watch as my bag of lollies teases me, millimeters from the falling. Obviously the people standing next to me are more experience because one of the girls there offered to kick the hell out of the vending machine. It’s not often that people offer assistance and I generally decline, I was gonna take care of this my way. Violence isn’t the answer and I have tried to live by that code for many years, “to kick or not to kick”. I wonder what Shakespeare would do in this situation; I forgot my WWJD bands at home so I wasn’t waiting for help from that avenue. Screw it, right above me was the CCTV camera and I am sure there is going to be a man hunt tomorrow and hence I am not resuming college until the heat cools off. I can’t afford to spend a few days in the joint; maybe if I have nothing else to do I might book myself in just for the hell of it. Boy did I kick that machine.

Funny how everybody then turned into saints, I could tell by the stares that they weren’t impressed. Then again were they going to refund me or get me another bag? This had turned into war; War of the chupa chups, forget Tom Cruise’s. Plenty of witness that could potentially help put me behind bars, should the vending machine company file a complaint. What sort of conversation would that make in the joint, “what are you in for? Murder! Robbery! Assault! Love of Starburst lollies! I am sure I’d be cleaning dirty for the rest of my stay; God knows what else would accompany me.

Kman Productions.........................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My condolances on the trials with Henry's boxes; Shakespeare, as you know, had it even worse with his daughter's boxes and so came up with the following pondering of Hamlet, while he was languishing in the school canteen at U of Denmark:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous vending machines
Or to take arms against a sea of jammed chutes,
And by opposing end them and spend the weekend in jail?

Serves you right for having such a sweet tooth!

6:15 am, July 30, 2005  
Blogger kman Productions said...

funny enough, I rarely buy lollies and I guess it was just anxiety after the exam. I will however not be buying 'rubbish' off vending machines, that is unless I need a caffeine shot;not a coffee fan(cola is more like it).

5:57 pm, July 30, 2005  

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