Monday, August 01, 2005

I need a Woman

Tired of attending gatherings only to realise that you're the only single person? Welcome to my world, kinda strange when all your buddies are married or seeing someone. My new resolution is to stop searching, and sit back and relax. Why go looking when I can have posters made and posted all over the Sydney streets? All I need is a good photographer to capture the 'real' me and then have myself plastered in Sydney. Easy and Simple!Or should it be Simple and Easy? The only problem might be that the real me is a 14 year old boy trapped in the body of a 24 year old boy. Oh I realised that I was growing old when people started referring to me as "sir". "Sir, may I get you........ Sir would you like". What just happened here, one minute am the boy with a breaking voice the next am being called sir.

I think it might time I try and behave like an adult, but then again am a kid. Now do you see my dilemma, one of the reasons I prefer to remain single. However we all know of that biological clock we always hear about, mine probably has 3 months worth of life. 3 months to find a woman, crazy? I think so too. Did I mention I love single life?

Kman Productions..............


Anonymous Anonymous said...

May i make some suggestions? As the Old Hag On The Hill...

Don't worry about immaturity. 24 is a good age to get married and start a family, and there is nothing more maturing for a man than learning that his wife is pregnant. Just try on that label, 'Daddy', and see how it feels! Automatically, you will (at least) want to jump into a more secure income tax bracket, guaranteed.

So it makes sense to finish your education and get a solid job somewhere before marrying. After all, you want to have something more than poverty to offer your family; and most domestic disagreements happen because of money.

And i know you will probably hate this, but don't rely on love to choose your mate. Love can happen between anybody, but whether your two personalities work together well is the key. The person you stay with may not be the person you're attracted to.

A good partner challenges your defects (always irritating, but useful) and makes your assets shine (sometimes through sheer terror), so don't look for someone that is a wimp. They will not be able to carry their end of a team effort, and you will end up carrying the load of responsibility for everybody, family included. This is a burnout.

So to find someone suitable, enlist all the reliable help you can get, especially from the elders of your family. I'm not saying that they should pick somebody for you, but let them assess whether the woman is of good character, dependable, trustworthy etc. Their wisdom can help prevent years of pain and suffering in a mismatched relationship.

Like i said, the human species is flexible and i believe it's possible for almost any man and woman to love each other; but setting things up in advance a little can help to create the best possible outcome.

Oh and... of course you like the single life now, but as you grow and change, you may find that it's not enough for you. Single life is ok but the next stage of your life may also hold things that are sweet; things you wouldn't exchange for anything... 'Daddy'!

The best of love and fortune to you

11:11 pm, August 01, 2005  
Blogger kman Productions said...

My goal is to after 30, for kids that is. I wouldn't wonna spawn kids and then head for govt. aid to raise my own kids. Then I also believe love isn't the only thing that holds marriage together, guts to confront also play a vital role.

2:27 am, August 02, 2005  

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