Monday, August 29, 2005

Igorance & statistics

Everyday I read in the papers that a new study has found that ........... is bad for your long term health and ............... can improve on your metabolism etc etc. With these readings I also find statistical findings claiming to support the findings, 23% (NOT REAL FIGURE) chance that if eat hot chips when your young (0-5yrs) your risk of getting breast cancer will increase. I hope you get the idea I am trying to portray, findings are scaring the hell out of ordinary citizens who don't understand the law of numbers; and this scares the hell out of me.

Take for example if there is a 3% chance that a man will get testicular cancer (God forbid), he is told that eating beans or wearing boxers shorts will reduce this risk by 30% (bare with me people). What do you think is the chance that he will get testicular cancer after following this regime recommended? Lost huh? The 30% chance of avoiding cancer has you fooled I'd imagine, maybe your thinking he isn't going to get the cancer. I'd think there is a 2.1% chance that he will get the cancer anyway. Let's put this in context of 100 men, 3 will get the cancer and if they wear boxer shorts or eat beans 2.1 men may get the cancer anyway. From 3 to 2.1 men, well we’ve almost saved a human being (0.9) but these % are just from the top of my head.

Next time you read of a new diet or regime that could half your chance of contracting some illness do the math before embarking on it.

Remembers, numbers don't lie and your better off doing the math too and not just accepting as gospel what the 'experts’ tell you. I question everything I am told and want evidence and hence I am a pain in many people's butt but I love numbers and hopefully you too can try to know them. Most people I know don't push like I do and those that do will know how cynical life can get and we may criticize everything we are told (I know I do). The earth is flat and you could fall off the edge if you travel to the far ends of the earth. Remember this theory? Question most things if not everything, just don't do it like I do or you will never believe everything and you will have fewer friends; not good either.
Kman productions...............
Grab a paper next time you are out and add the numbers up and you'll be surprised how little new information most of these statistical findings have to offer. If you’re gullible then am sorry there isn't much I say, ask someone who knows.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

first kiss

KMAN AND ............ K-I-S-S-I-N-G-I-N-G out in the field....... Oh, if you thought I was gonna tell, think again. These are the treasured memories never to be shared, I will take them to my death bed, hehe

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

first shower

After day 1 I didn't make it to the showers for another 2 days, I'd watched too many jail oriented movies. I wasn't going to be anybody's bitch either, turns out it didn't happen. Imagine being used to hot water all your life and the privacy of your own bathroom, one that locks and then one day all you have are cubicles. No curtains to hide your ass, well it wasn't much of a shower, more like jumping to miss the freezing the water or heat up. I can bet you they were testing the effects of cold water on us, that water was colder than that in my fridge at home. With this in mind it was no surprise my first session was met with fewer than 100 showers, one every 2 days. 3rd-4th years I took them twice a day, I guess I was compensating for those I'd missed in first year. I still can't shower in a public area, oh yeah it's not what you think. Packaging comes well recommended if you get the drift, hint! Hint! Some things shouldn't be done in public and showering is one of them, am tired of those old, fat men in the gym that walk around naked in the locker rooms.

Hello! Loose the beer gut and the wrinkly willy wonka before waving the ‘magic’ wand at me. Imagine my shock walking into the shower area and all I saw was ass, male ass. JESUS! How did we remain straight after seeing that much ass? Could explain why I can't stand seeing men undress, I had my fair share of it in NJiiri High School; hell on earth. I also built tolerance for more diseases than I want to recall, filthy place that was; education was great though. Oh! One positive was finding my English teacher to be hot, there weren't that many ladies around so one could only admire staff. Actually we later became friends, after I graduated of course; genuine friends none of that teacher's pet nonsense I now see in the media. We did get girls visiting but I was more like a nerd and couldn't construct two sentences without chocking or 'hyperventilating'. Speaking of which I got a NO the other day from a girl, put me where I should be. I was getting to cocky and it was time for a "no I want nothing to do with you".

Kinda puts things in perspective for me, "you aren’t as hot as you thought you were kman". Anyway back to my high school hell

Kman Productions...................

first day

The end of 1995 was supposed to mark what I thought was the end of the world, date November 13-16. Apparently these dates were to determine the rest of my life; so they told me. Nothing like sitting for your last primary school exam, no more studying; ever! Guess what? I’m still studying, 8 years after I swore to abandon my books. We were naive and we thought this marked the end of books, boy were we wrong. The following year I got a place in a good school (according to my parents that is), NJiiri High School was to mould me for the future (yeah right!).

My first day was full of excitement and adrenaline freely flowed through my vessels, why would I be excitement? I was going to high school, boarding school for that matter and parental supervision would be minimal if any at all. FREEDOM from anything adult

I get to school and my mother is given the grand tour of the institution after signing my life away for 4 years. I had never shed a tear because of being alone and without mama to protect me; I shed one or two before sucking it all up. Sure I had been caned before and tears had flown freely but this was a sad day when I felt alone. As the 4WD pulled out of the compound my heart sank, I realise that my mother was gone and I would be stuck here for the next 4 years. She was all I had and I thought she had abandoned me when I needed her the most, little did I know this was called growing up. Something I am still learning to this day

The events that followed that night earned the respect I needed to survive the next 4 years. Bastardization was ripe then and I believe it was common place in most boarding schools if not all; we had to grow up some day. I weighed in about 50 kilos and was quite skinny even for my age, I could never be big enough to defend myself in a fight. Perception is everything and even I knew that, getting into a fight the night wasn't part of my plan but it worked for me. The bully was in his 3rd year of high school and had a reputation for harrasing juniors, this was just routine for him. Comes up to my window ans asks who I was and I replied in a very rude manner, well that's what the other freshmen thought. Shaking in their boots they hadn't seen a tough freashy like me, I wasn't about to disappoint either. Remember my skinny frame, this guy was well over twice my weight and she could have killed if he wanted.

My rude answer earned me a punch in the gut, this is when all your fears grip you and you either wet your pants or fight back. I was no punk but I knew I would get creamed if I fought him fair, I didn't get to that school by being dumb either. He was on the other side of the window so I hit back, he wasn't expecting it and I landed a clean hit on the face. I knew then I wouldn't make past the first night and that I had messed with the nut of the nuts, he simply walked away. The 'freshies' mouths agape stared at me, their new hero saviour of the first year students. If only the knew that my bladder and long given way and thank God gravity wasn't working on that day. I am suprised I did wet myself, I was scared but I guess the bully was more surprised than afraid of the new kid. All hail Kman

Take me back to the same night and I would probably have chickened out and coped abuse for the next whole year. It turns out I was respected even among the seniors; Bravery you ask? NO STUPIDITY and one too many Bruce Lee flicks, for your information the young fellow was later suspended on seperate offences.

Kman Productions

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Child Play

Lets face it, am doomed to spend the remaining 65yrs of my life infront of a computer. The weird thing is that somehow I draw solace in that notion, sick huh? New look is still in my head and as soon as I can put it on computer, the blog will have the new look I concieved ages ago.

Part of child's play is sticking objects in your mouth and I was no exception nor did I luck the skills required to entertain myself. As I grew older you'd have thought I might let go of this dangerous habit but I didn't and alsmost paid a heavy price for my late blooming. The year is unclear but the incident still raises alarm in my being, what woud have become of me if ..................

Let's set the scene, imagine being in school and full of energy maybe after one to many cordial drinks. I was a hyperactive kid in my own sense and this day wasn't going to be different. There I was after lunch getting ready for the afternoon class, only thing is I had a ruler in my mouth. Did I mention I was trying to be a nerd? Oh and yes I know nerds don't use rulers but we weren't allowed to se calculators then. Rulers are dangerous, especially when you shove them in your mouth and engage in a mini-world record sprint in class. New age relay, where the stick is no longer held by hand but in your mouth. Picture another young boy twice my weight running straight for you only he doesn't see you and worse of all neither do you. To this day I have never understood why I was racing in class and can't quite figure out why he too was running. Lee ran straight into me, coughing up blood was the next sensible thing given that half the ruler was jammed down my throat.

The pain was nothing compared to what I feared my mother would do to me if she found out it was self inflicted. There are many activities I have shied away from because of mama's wrath, can't blame her she had to be tough. There I am coughing up blood and all I can think about was how uncool I looked infront of my classmates. Kids! Am sure I needed some medical attention but rinsing my mouth with water would do it for me. I had a reputation to uphold for being tough. For all I know I could have cause damage but being cool was paramount and I can bet no of my classmates would recall the near fatal accident I had. Lee felt bad that for the next few weeks he would offer to swap lunch with me. Irony of matter was he was more scared his parents and lunch was his way of bribing me, keep thing under wrap. If only he knew I couldn't eat solids food for a while and I wasn't about to spill the beans on him. I squeal and we are done for
kman productions...............................

Good to be back after a few weeks of quiet time

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Time Off

Regulars viewers will notice that the previous few blogs haven't been up to scratch and I think I need some time off. I have had a few stressful days and it's only wise I seize blogging for a while, that is unless something interesting happens. I am also thinking of changing the genral out look of the blog and personalise it, make it easier to navigate maybe more graphics. I don't know how long the new design will take and what the cost will be, I might loose everything as I try to migrate to the new template; price for change. Enjoy and take care people and thanks for the support, been great to pour my mind and can't wait to come back ,refreshed.

Kman Productions.............

too metro?

We've all heard of the term metro-sexual being used to describe the new age man that likes to take extra care of themselves. Generally we know that we guys don't really like the grooming aspect of social lives and in most cases would prefer to wear the same pants we wore ten years ago. I guess it is just part of the make up of many men, not me. I have been cursed and blessed all in one, living with women since a very young age;5. It's one thing to grow to chose to be neat and well groomed but it is entirely different if it's forced on you by 'well wishers'. I doubt there is anything I haven't seen as far as women fashion is concerned, I remember the MC Hammer pants and boy did I hate them, I tried them on and never again (Ops! that was a secret though, damn). At the tender age of 12 I knew all about deodrant even though I hadn't began to perspire like a man. Kids really don't sweat that much unless it's during lunch time sport or when trying evade the neighbours hound. All the same I was well aware that roll-on existed even though it would serve me no purpose, not for another 2.5yrs. What can I say I am late bloomer, didn't begin shaving until about last year. For crying out loud first real shave at around 23 years of age? Then they dare convince me that I am lucky to have avoided the curse of facial hair, I think not. In high school most of my mates were spotting full grown beards while I was still the "baby's ass" face, smooth as a whistle.

It can be daunting having all your mates shave and there you are still playing with action figures, I couldn't shave so I had to kill time. The morning ritual was simple, get into the bath and instead of shaving I would try and drown captain planet. For most of the time I felt like an idiot but now I finally understand that I was the lucky one. The only problem is that now I have to shave every month or so, sometimes two months but then I feel that the .005mm of facial hair is denying me of vital nutrients. We wouldn't want all the healthy stuff being used to grow one strand of hair would we. Now the hair on my head is another story, grows like it's paying penance for my chin and cheeks. Ruthless hair growth has been recorded in the history of barbar visits, very 2-3 weeks I will visit one.

Women in the house and I have picked up on the essential aspects of perfect grooming, I even enjoy shopping. Shouldn't I be out in the field breaking my colar bone or fracturing my ribs or jaw? I even have a wider collection of shoes than my sister and I might be fast approaching my mother mark, given ample time and higher pay I will one day have the biggest footware collection. It's a pity men's shoes are expensive, nothing good is less than $100 and you can imagine the bank balance after a shoe buying spree. I guess that is the only real reason I haven't got 30+ pairs like mama does but am getting there, sooner than expected.

If shoes aren't enough, I have also realised that I am fond of cologne and as you would know they don't come cheap either. I just don't get the obsession with personal grooming and am thinking it's partially because I saw this happen in my house for as long as I can remember. Paps wasn't there for most of the childhood so I guess the ladies left their mark, mom aunties and second cousins all of whom were women too. Is it a wonder that before I leave the house I will have checked myself in the mirror at least 3 times and I know it doesn't help that I have mild OC behaviour. I don't mind shaking hands so long as it's nt guys, they just will not wash their hands anymore. Could explain why M Jackson wore the glove all too often.

Oh! One last thing, I have just realised I have hand lotion, body lotion and facial lotion even 2 types of lip-balm.Call them metro, I would be more of the gay type but loves women. I guess the proof would be my room, I hate cleaning it proof am straight just too fussy.

Kman Productions.................................

Monday, August 01, 2005

I need a Woman

Tired of attending gatherings only to realise that you're the only single person? Welcome to my world, kinda strange when all your buddies are married or seeing someone. My new resolution is to stop searching, and sit back and relax. Why go looking when I can have posters made and posted all over the Sydney streets? All I need is a good photographer to capture the 'real' me and then have myself plastered in Sydney. Easy and Simple!Or should it be Simple and Easy? The only problem might be that the real me is a 14 year old boy trapped in the body of a 24 year old boy. Oh I realised that I was growing old when people started referring to me as "sir". "Sir, may I get you........ Sir would you like". What just happened here, one minute am the boy with a breaking voice the next am being called sir.

I think it might time I try and behave like an adult, but then again am a kid. Now do you see my dilemma, one of the reasons I prefer to remain single. However we all know of that biological clock we always hear about, mine probably has 3 months worth of life. 3 months to find a woman, crazy? I think so too. Did I mention I love single life?

Kman Productions..............