Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Who needs them

Friends, we were told they would help you through life, providing companionship given that we are social beings. Soacial beings? Lets discuss that for a minute, society, socialism, socialise etc. Conjugate a few characters and you get countless words that probably have little in common. What exactly is being social?In my late nights watching the discovey channel as I waited for my all time favourite show Sex and the City, I have learnt that wolves are loners. They prefer to go at it alone and come together during mating season, how lonely we think. Bring in your friend/s depending on what your social meter allows and you get new problem, who can you trust. Are friends of your friends your friends? Do think having many friends is better than having one or two? When do friends cross the line? Can you really trust these people you term as friends? If yes, can they trust and do they trust you?

Trust and friendship, you'd think they are synonymous, but are they. Here's my argument, a few weeks a go a friend invited me to celebrate a birthday. FUN, FUN how often do you have a genuine excuse to dehydrate yourself through dancing (mine is more the jumping up down), for some of us it the only exercise we get. In the course of the night, a 'friend' offers to buy me a drink, now I do enjoy a few on occassion but I declined. RUDE, some might say but we all know what our limits are and responsible serving of alcohol is preached daily. "Playa, I got work tomorrow but thanks anyway", was my response. Now tell me, if you told a friend that, would they
(a) Take a raincheck
(b) Insist on buying you that drink
(c) Walk away mad that you refused a drink.

b was the answer I got then and casually accepted the drink, knowing that it would be irresponsible to consume it. Drink on the table and your 'friend' leaves, what do you do.
(a) Drink it anyway
(b) Offer it to another of your friends that isn't working and wants the drink
(c) wait until your 'friend' leaves and you hide the drink and grab and empty glass

My answer to this particular was trivia was (c) and hope that they wouldn't see that, what a waste of their money. Weeks later the 'friend' tells you that they wanted to get you drunk, and they are your friend. So you tell me, if this is friendship, wouldn't you rather have enemies, at least you know for sure they will not dare get you drunk and make fun of you the next time you meet.

Kman Productions....................................

Monday, October 24, 2005


com·mu·ni·cate Audio pronunciation of "communicate" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-myn-kt)
v. com·mu·ni·cat·ed, com·mu·ni·cat·ing, com·mu·ni·cates
v. tr.
    1. To convey information about; make known; impart: communicated his views to our office.
    2. To reveal clearly; manifest: Her disapproval communicated itself in her frown.
  1. To spread (a disease, for example) to others; transmit: a carrier who communicated typhus.
v. intr.
  1. To have an interchange, as of ideas.
  2. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood: “That ability to communicate was strange in a man given to long, awkward silences” (Anthony Lewis).
  3. Ecclesiastical. To receive Communion.
  4. To be connected, one with another: apartments that communicate.
How many of us enjoy listening to Tony Blair give his arguments? We don't have to agree with what he says for us to admit that he is an orator, unlike W (most powerful on the planet). Is eloquence communication? How many of us have workmates that can barely construct a grammaticall correct Engligh sentence, yet we understand what they are trying to say? Is communication the articulation of a subject/topic in a manner that the receiver understands or in a grammatically correct manner? When W, puts his thought before the public, few of us miss what he intends even though he lacks oratory skills. When a job is advetised "good communicator needed", what the hell do they mean. Do they want a person that has a good command of the language or someone that can explain to people in a way the understand?

Have you been in an audience where the speaker has spoken for more than a hour only to realise you have no idea what he/she has been blabbering about in perfect English, panctuation was perfect? Imagine this, I am in a lecture where my lecturer struggles to express the points in English but I understand what they are explaining. Most of the words may not mean much to me but the concepts are well grasped. Who among these two communicated?

Kman productions.............................

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If only I could..............

Have you got moments in your past that you wish you'd change, embarassing stunts you undertook; either by accident or mere stupidity? I do, I hope to compile a list of the most embarassing moments of my life and share them with you, yes every little detail. Nothing about what I have seen others do, however much I'd love to share other people mishaps.

1. How many of you have walked into a glass door? I could have sworn that was air but the concusion I got, signalled otherwise. Even worse was the imprint of my lips I left on the door, damn lip balm.

2. Starbucks, we all love a good cuppa and I am no exeption. Throw in a date and you are bound to get mishaps. It was the second 'date' I was having with a girl I really liked, I was all prepared leather coat, matching shoes, I could have sworn my undies were new too(who knows). The coffee cup lids a secondary small hole, this is for pressure purposes. Physics taught me that hot air expands and if their is no release, pressure builds. There I am, an engineering major with all the knowledge and yet it happened to me. I was nervous and Isaac Netwon, Einstein would be ashamed of me. I had the lid on and in my nervous tantrum blew into the mug, through the drinking hole! Recall the secondary hole, the one for pressure and all that physics nonsense? Foam from the coffee forced itself through the hole and onto my face, yeah I was perfecting my clown gig. What would you do? Here I am trying to impress this feline and MR ENGINEER forgot the basics laws of physics, lucky for me she dated me for another year.

3. You're walking up/down a flight of stairs only to think there is a extra step while there isn't. If your walking up, you tend to feel like an idiot trying to climb a non-existent step. Worse is if your walking down the steps, your hips are compresssed to an extent where you'd rather be shot. Oh did I mention you look ridiculous trying to walk through the floor.

4. Walking into a pole, you're so busy concentrating on more important things when suddenly you fracture your clavicle on. Now am drunk, ciao

5. You think you've seen a pretty woman? Think again, I have had my jaw drop and with that other things dropped too. In my last position, I was the go between customers and the company, kinda the guy that gets all the shit and has to smile back at the customers(customer is always right). On an ordinary day, I was busy building a relay, moving stock from one shelf to another, normal supermarket duties. So this one lady walks towards me, pretty, virtually physically flawles. Mr Supermarket here, I am carrying a few items moving to another location. No sooner had I looked into her eyes than I dropped the items smashing them all. She was so sweet that even offered to help me clean, seeing that she somehow had contributed to the accident. Poor boy, I have since then learnt my lesson, never carry more than your two hands can handle. You never know when this pretty thing might walk in

Kman productions.........................

ECTE333 lab solutions

In my anguish to decide what to do after my poor performamce in the test today, I have decided to screw the whole school. What if I could publish the solution to the labs that I have done? Those in the School know that these experiments have been th same for the last 5+yrs, make them change and screw every student that comes after us. I could do that or what is I could make it easier for future generation students and provide them with guidlines on how to survive the ECTE333 lab session, score 10/10 and hardly work as sweat? I guess that is what I will do, share the experience and hopefully some poor bugger will have an easier run than I have. Here are the lab questions for 2004, this were exactly what we got in Spring 2005.

code for experiment 1

these are really straight forward and if you can't do these you probably don't deserve code for experiment 3 and 4

code for experiment 2

ADD R3,R3,x1
ADD R4,R4,x2
The complete program would be
.ORIG x3050
LD R3, A
LD R4, B
ADD R3.R3, x1
ADD R4, R4, x2
ST R3, A
ST R4, B
A .FILL x6

Task 4
Using the same code as above, the stored numbers are multiplied using assembly code.The code used in this experiment was
.ORIG x3050
AND R3, R3, x0
AND R4, R4, x0
AND R5, R5, x0
LD R3, A
LD R4, B
ADD R3, R3, x1
ADD R4, R4, x2
LOOP ADD R5, R5, R4 ; multiplying code 1
ADD R3, R3, x-1 ; multiplying code 2
A .FILL x6

code for experiment 3


#include <80c196kc.h>
/*#include */
int main (void)
while (ioport1<255)
while (ioport1>0)
{ ioport1--; }
{ ioport1=127; }

I had problems running this piece of code and I really didn't bother trying to debug it, I was running out of time here. I guess with all the info you will get off me, you can't expect uncle kman to give you everything, can you?
#include <80c196kc.h>
void init_hso(void);
void reset_hso(void);
interrupt hso_interrupt(void)
near unsigned long FREQ = 1000;
near unsigned long MARK_SPACE = 50;
near unsigned long count;
near unsigned long run;
near unsigned long run1;
int main()
int_pend = o; /*clear all interrupts*/
int_mask = HSO_ENB; /*enable HSO and software timer interrupts*/
ei();/*enable all interrupts*/
void reset_hso(void)
ioc = 0xc0; /*clear entire cam and enable locked entries*/
void init_hso(void)
hso_command = 0x90;
run = (1000000*MARK_SPACE)/(FREQ*100);
hso_time = run; hso_command = 0x90;
run1 = run +(1000000(100-MARK_SPACE))/(FREQ*100);
hso_time = run1;

interrupt hso_interrupt(void)
if (count == 0)
count = 1;
count = 0;
wsr = 15;
timer1 = 0;
wsr = 0;

code for experiment 4


#include <80c196kc.h>
/*#include */
int main (void)
while (ioport1<255)>
while (ioport1>0)

int main()
register char present_s;
register int prev_s;
register int counter;
register short int on;
register unsigned char* memory;
memory= (unsigned char*) 0xffff;
counter = 127;
*memory = counter;
on = 1;
present_s = 0;
prev_s = 1;
prev_s = present_s;
present_s = check_bit(ioport2,7);
if(prev_s && ! present_s)
on = on* -1;
if(on ==1)
while(++counter <255)
{ *memory = counter; }

while(--counter >0)
{ *memory = counter; }
*memory = 128;
If I feel generous enough I may even leave my lab reports for all those who hate doing their work, why work hard when Kman has your back?
Kman Productions.........................


Only the Lord and I know what happened during my lab test today, now the lecturer knows; I did absolutley nothing! Last night I went through the lab experiments we'd done over the last 13 weeks hoping that something similar would be tested. My reaction was best captured by the CCTV system installed in the lab, FU*&@G, ^U*&@G, FU*&@!, F%*&@G would have the words I'd have used if I was allowed. 50 minutes into a 50 minute test and I hadn't done anyting, well I had written my name and called the sucide help-line a few times. Murder was the first thought and then realizing that I'd get caught, I contemplated suicide for a good 51 minutes. The test is done, I get a zero! I have passed the razor isle in the uni shopping centre and I am yet to decide whether slit wrists are the way out. I can't take another fail, not now, I have come too far and already have a few fails under my belt. Graduation is so close, so so so close, a fail would kill me. Ruin me I say!

Digital hardware 2, not an easy subject and the hundreds of student who have gone through it know the effort it takes to pass that lab test. Last year was so easy, an assemby language to add 3 numbers and store the result in specific registers. Why wouldn't my lecturer give us an easy task too? Had to be a hard, a FUCKED UP test, zero for Kman I say, zero! You probably think you'd have better huh? Here is the question

write a c program to:
a)measure the frequency of the 0-5 V square wave connected to the input of the mice board. (You had an square wave supply from a wishmaker and you had to connect that output to an ioport0(pin 0 , 6 or pin 7). ioport0 is an input port for the mice board i.e.

b)periodically display the current frequency of the host pc via the RS232 link as an integer, which f multiplied by 0.1 would give the frequency in KHz. Use printf("...........%d/n/r",number)

Saturday, October 15, 2005


car·pool (k�rpl)
n. also car pool

  1. An arrangement whereby several participants or their children travel together in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver.

  2. A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a carpool.

Having seen the dictionary version of what carpooling is, let's get to the heart of the matter. Why carpool? Most of the people I have heard converse of this issue have always brought in the idea of pollution and road congestion. Governments have encouraged carpooling especially in the morning hours and certain capacity cars are allowed 'special' lanes; bus lanes. If you have been on public transport, especially in the morning, you can testify to the thrill of moving faster than the general traffic. There is something about being in a huge vehicle (one that can cause havoc in the wrong hands) and being able to.................... So, governments encourage citizens to take public transport into major cities, one because the roads last longer; fewer vehicles, two, the aren't that many parking spots in major cities. Most driver could attest to the trials and temptations of finding a cheap parking spot and retaining their cool. The idea is essentially to rid the roads of too many personal vehicles and that I believe is ok, let's litter the roads with our cars only during the weekend when we are going shopping.

I am waiting at the bus stop, chilling for my ride into Sydney when a lady pull up and offers a lift. Out in the West I have learnt never to accept rides from even the most harmless looking individuals. As if by reflex I increase the volume on my disc man (yeah, no ipod nano yet) and continue cursing as to why I had to rouse so early. So the gentleman pops in and it got me thinking about carpooling. Is the logic that you go picking people from the bus stops when they have opted to leave the rides at home and catch the Sydney Bus? No, but then again they could have been friends and the ride was open so that we don't feel rejected. If that was the case, then what am I writing about?

Kman Productions...................

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Apologizing is probably one of the many things I have never been able to do. I don't remember ever uttering the words " I am sorry", while being remorseful. It has always been a routine that after I bump into someone, the norm is uttering " am sorry". I am never sorry and I always believe it's never my fault, the other party was invading my personal space. Forget that rubbish, you sit down and realize that you owe someone an apology but you can't do it. You might lose face! How people perceive me has haunted me for a very long time and even though I have never been a crowd pleaser, I have done things just to fit in. Don't commence the guess work, I can assure you it wasn't murder; I am sure the guy lived. So they tell me anyway.

It's about time we realize we aren't so tough, my biggest fear is appearing vulnerable and I have guarded against this my whole life. "I can't afford to appear weak or lacking", even Superman had kryptonite and he kept it a secret, didn't he? I have grown up believing that being weak is a taboo and saving face is all that matters in life, regardless of who gets hurt. For those who think they know me, guess again, very few people outside my family have any idea of who I am. There is what they see and think they know, but no one has ever bothered to venture further. Friends don't want a weak guy, they need and demand that you be able to sort everything that they throw at you, however awkward it may be. Think again, I aint doing the tough act anymore, I am just tired of being .............

Someone hand me a tissue..................... Oh yeah, you leak this I will break your foot!

Kman Productions..............................

Monday, October 10, 2005

so u like a girl..............

There is no topic or rational flow in this particular narrative, I will just type as word come to my head. So you like a girl, or you think you do..................................................

Do you remember playing 'swing' on a makeshift swing, rope tied dangerously across a horizontal branch that couldn't hold more than 300N worth of force? I was fortunate enough to have experienced this, the trees in our compoud would have mounted a lawsuit against us given the opportunity; the torture. The goal as kids was to push the boundaries to the limit, our bodies could recover from almost any bruising we subjected to it. On one occasion I remember the swing breaking and the only thing that saved my life and watching Tarzan swing across the forest. The speed of the swinging was such that I felt the tingly effect between my legs (guys know how it feels when you suddenly descent without warning), the branch gives in and you're gone. Am alive, no thanks to myself but I think someone was loking out for me.
How many times as a kid did you engage in playful acts that could have potentially been catastrophic? How many recall the aerosol pressure cans and the little fires we lit to blow thing up? How lethal was that game before the realised kids might die and introduce a plastic plug at the bottom of the can. Once heated the plug would melt and the gaseous content released in a controlled environment, no pressure build up and no cheap firecrackers. "How unfair", I thought.

So you like a girl, like I think I do, what do you do? How long can you wait, how many phone calls can you make before you call it quits? Just words as they come through my brain down my spine onto the finger tips. I am confused and for sure I am not the only one, I could use some help. I don't read minds and I don't play games, actually I don't wonna play games. So, what would you do? You a like a girl/boy for some............................ who am I kidding here? I like a girl, so what?

I give up, am going to bed

Kman Productions...............................

Boy vs Man

As I grew up, I knew what I wanted to be rather what I wished I would have been, superman. I could fly and always get the pretty girl Lois, but that was just my childish imagination running wild. As an adult, Ia m expected to have rational expectations of what I ought to be and when I plan to be a few years from now. That to is fine but I do find myself caught between these two fantasies, the boyish desire to fly and be a superhero and the manly dream of being a successful engineer with a reputable career. Maybe you want to be a dentist, chemist,business guru or wait for it, in the marines and you get to carry a gun and kill infidels (too many violent video games can do this to you, I know). At what point do you stop dreaming like a child and realise that life is shitty and deals the worst blows when you least expect it? Do you ever sit watching an action movie and after it's over you feel like you have extra powers? You watched a Bruce Lee flick and you felt like you could take on the whole theatre, am I the only one?

You watch Black Hawk Down and the next thing you know your looking for a stick that slightly resembles a gun and you're behind the sofa, dodging imaginary fire while providing cover to your team in the movie (they are mostly Americans, mine are anyway). A grenade is hurled and you yell, "Cover!" before executing the new grenade bucket detonation that you hatched while in 'Lala' land. C'mon people am the only one that slides back to my boyish days when I was invincible, untouchable and most of all I could survive enemy fire for hours without casualties in my team, my execution plan would be flawless. My team always wins, they have to, they are Kman Squad and we have to win.

Now back to real life, why would you want to be in the real life when in your own little world you are happy (or so it appears)? I may never outgrow my boyish dreams, I doubt that is such a bad thing, it's seems to be one release point. I like thinking like a kid on occasion, everything isn't so complicated and you rarely have to pretend to be someone you are not, remember you a superhero and nothing is impossible with your powers. I am an engineering student and as per say people expect me to know things, I like knowing things. However the pressure to know everything is driving me nuts and I am venturing more into my superhero stance more often that before. I am about to graduate, leave formal education for a while, stand and be counted as a contributing force in society and this scares me. Can I still be the shy boy that could put two sentences to express myself, or I doomed to live into adult life for the next 50+ years?

Kman Productions.....................................