Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Greatest gift

Xmas has just been and for most of us we recieved presents, not necessairy what we'd hoped for but we did get something; nana's sweater, Simpson boxers etc etc. Presents are all good but I may have realised the greatest gift I could give to anyone, trust, support and encouragement in their dreams. Believing in someone is probably the greatest gift I could offer, I have learnt that over the course of the last few weeks. We are selfish beings and when we sense lose we recoil and try to hold on to everything, losing everyone and everything we care deeply for. Take a leaf from me, trusting people counts for much, if there is no trust control sets in and we want to monitor every movement. In the end lose is inevitable unless you can realise you err and get the chance to redeem yourself. I pray that you get the second chance, redeem yourself and begin to mature in your relatonships, careers etc etc

Kman productions...........


The weather gets warm and humid and before you realise it, summer has set in and the nights are almost intorelable. Sun worshippers are now in full swing, making their sacrifices everyday at the beach.For most religions, tribute to their gods is made on a regular more consistent basis; no the sun worshippers summer is their holiday. A quick walk along the beach will quickly reveal to most the value we have placed upon our skins, zero. The sight of a tan is percieved by many to be ultimate alure during the warm months, personally I don't care. People will sit in the heat to get that perfect complexion, pale skin doen't seem to attract anyone anymore. The heat also seems to do wonders for the male visual department, how often do you get the treat of your life without any extra effort from you?

Yesterday as I struggled to get to the movies, no non-essential stores(chemists stocking hangover cures), companies should be open on Boxing day. A big night on Xmas day meant I was tethered to the bed for most of the following morning. Imagine my delight when @ 9:00AM I receive a call, confirming a movie date that had been scheduled a few days ago. Confirming is good but damn! 9 in the morning for a movie that screens @ 4 PM, not subtle at all. Making it to the bus stop was a miracle in it's self, most will bare me witness that light is not tolerated after a big night. The slightest light through your bedroom window (or where-ever it is you managed to sleep) can send you packing for the closet., giving new meaning to coming out of the closet, later in the day.

Though the bus trip is only 5 minutes, I was surprised at the excitment on the bus, the boys just couldn't help themselves (by boys I mean men).

Kman productions..............

Monday, December 26, 2005

Trying too hard

Perfection, achievement is not enough anymore, we have to be perfect too. How many people have you seen that have spent their lives trying to aim for perfection in everything that they miss out on enjoying their lives? I've seen a couple, unfortunately I too have all too often fallen for this mind trap. Everything has to be perfect, I have to be perfect, "I have to be". Over the last few days I have realised that it's okay to make mistakes, for God knows I've made some big ones almost very costly but I got a second chance, I hope. Can you try so hard that you end up messing everything, you seize functionally even normally? Yes, I have seen that, in myself over the last few days and I guess it's time to back-track, get my act together and move on from there. Let's take that step a bit more cautiously but realise tht trying to hard could hurt you and those around you. Relax and try enjoy whatever you do, where possible that is. My head hurts(don't ask why, Xmas and all etc etc etc) but I just realised that by trying too hard, we lose ourselves and isolate those who care about us.

Kman Productions.....................

Sunday, December 25, 2005

losing everything

It's funny how we never really understand what we value and those we love and are fond of. How many times have you been at the end of your tether, nothing seems to be working as it should; not that you can see. You are too pre-occupied with thoughts that you begin to make mistakes, pick fights where possible and your mood has taken over whether the weather left; you're unpredictable. One minute your jovial, the next life is ending and you really can't explain why. I think I have the answer, please note that this is not the usual whine that you've grown accustomed to. It's not until you realise that stress can ruin you that you begin to take necessary steps to prevent the inevitable on this disastrous path you've chosen. I guess it's only under pressure that the devil, flaws in us begin to creep through; trust me I know. You spend you entire life trying to be different and hopefully set an example only to realise you aint fooling anyone, you're just human after all. Somewhat there is a relief but yet disappointment has a way of finding you.

My biggest flaw is probably worrying too much, everything has to be systematic and in order; no surprises. Worrying blended with being a pessimist is a dangerous combination and even though everything else seems to be working, slowly but surely the cracks set in. A conversation I had a few days ago scared the hell out of me, why would I be so negative? Maybe it's good I have realised it now because then I can work on it. It may take time to correct but at least motion has been set, that's the beginnning.What are you to do in this sistuation, pride is to pretend everything is ok and carry on hoping people don't notice. The other way is admit you're full of shit, apologise and try and make amends. Easier said that done, ego is another cousin that will pop up the minute you think of admission; you can't admit!

They say desperate situations call for desperate actions, sometimes this is true but sometimes simply not worrying maybe the answer.Afterall what does worrying achieve, sleepless nights, moodyness etc etc, we all worry at some point but too much of it is dangerous; a lesson I have almost paid a heavy price for. Salvage mode now sets in and trying to correct the wrongs maybe the only logical step, relax (not easy either), take a deep breathe and ask yourself,"am I willing to pay the price?", if not then .....................................

Kman productions.........................

I guess this is what I do, write, we'll see if I can focus more and bring back the spark that was there when kman productions was set in motion.

Friday, December 23, 2005

one last note

How could I be so gullible? Can I really seize writing? Only time will tell.......................

kman productions.............

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Curtain Drops, the end

With less than 4 hours of sleep, after trying to make late night calls I made it to work; pissed off as hell. Do you ever wake up and hope to God( or whomever you hope to) that someone crosses your path? "God, I wish they could just say something stupid, I'll tear em a new one". That was my attitude this morning and true to it, I got what I asked for. Getting mad in this day and age has its own complications, gone are the days when you could just get mad and show you're mad. Now people expect you to hold it in, be nice, appreciate what you have, fuck them! A one hour bus ride with less 4 hours of sleep could be classified as grade 1 torture, a more effective way than electric shock on terrorists. On most days when I catch an early ride I have always questioned why some commuters are so pissed off, I have gone to the extent of blogging about them;now I understand. Today I blog about my personal experience as the mad sleep deprived commuter. I always wondered what it was they may have eaten for breakfast,cocoa shit puffs, morning cereal?

So my first encounter was when one gentleman began a conversation with a lady sitting next to me. The last thing I want is idle talk early in the morning, worse of all I have to listen to it for an hour or so. The man upstairs must have been looking out for me because the conversation didn't last more than 10 minutes, yeah that long. 50 more minutes of silence on the bus, oh I need to get my own ride. Next, some gentleman decides he will greet every boarding passenger "good morning, how are you today?". I don't mind morning salutations but why so early in the god-damn morning? What the heck was so good about this morning, everybody boarding seemed to have the same feeling and attitude as I did; they just didn't show it and tried to fake a smile. Poor people couldn't quite pull it off, the morning drag was set and there wasn't much to cheer them; my kinda people.

Work is most cases is designed to be a pain in the butt, today was no exception. It's almost Xmas and the pressure is on from management to push things before d-day, the boss comes in and is hell bent on harassing us. Now for a gentleman who has been with us for the last week, I doubt he'd have much to tell us; that's what you'd expect. Observe first before you offer your policy and/or opinion,stupid! Simple facts of life, before you offer a suggestion, observe., it saves you looking like an ass. So the new boss comes in, yaps all he wants, then leaves for a coffee break. Phew! Or so I thought, "he's gone". Oh boy! He was back in 30min breathing fire, if hell is missing one of their furnaces, get in touch. I may know where to get a replacement.

Work is over and I make my way to the local toy store, am too old for toys but am looking for a present (bare with me). There you go, a huge teddy bear and guess what? It's on sale, save money and get a good present, not a bad way to end the day huh? Before you go singing carols, read carefully. At the checkouts, a young lad decides to exercise his vocals to the limit. I never thought it was possible for a male vocal cord to go that high, I could almost swear I can hear bells ringing. Picture this, the horror movie scene where the girl screams, instead of the girl, a boy screams and with him are amplifiers strong enough to convert you (what to, I don't know).

Nice way to end my session here on blogger, some fucked up kid screaming his head out, 'mr happy passenger' greeting everyone and 'Sir New Boss' messing up our day @ work.

It has been a good run, after 8 months I thought I'd finish strong, a tantalizing juicy tale. This ends on a flat note, I've lost the urge to write over the last few weeks. I guess my life has taken a new turn and writing doesn't seem to fit in, I have a lot to write but it's not ethical to publish. Here are a few of the narration I'd planned for

(1). alcohol induced battle of the sexes

(2). Why men's toilets stink

(3). What really goes on in the supermarket

(4). Can we celebrate without alcohol and enjoy ourselves

This is how it must end, everything else in my head shall remain there until a certain time when all will be memories Simply put, what I write deosn't just reflect on me, considering this, it's only fair kman productions ends. Everything has an end, Kman productions' time has come.

CURTAIN DROPS...............................................

Kman Productions..........................

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Love, lust, love, lust, like, fond, appreciate all terms that have been used to describe relationships, we've experienced at least one of these if not more. I am not Dr. Phil and I don't pretend to know about relationships, am still learning. Have you ever been in love? Would you call the butterflies love or is that just puppy love; wears out after a few weeks. Is love a choice or is it a feeling? Do you chose to like people or do you have no control as to who you like? How much of yourself should you give to someone before they begin to control your life? Changes we make to accomodate people into our lives, why it is hard. Too many questions but few answers. Is maturity characterised by age, is part of maturing realising that you are wrong and apologies are not taboo?

Why is it a woman will be beaten by the husband/boyfriend and yet go back to them, all bruised. Someone you know picks a prick for a guy, should you support them or threaten the prick off? I've lost patience in this field and I guess I no longer feel anything when people make wrong choices, I can't care anymore I have had it. How emotionally draining can it be to open your heart to the wrong person? With this in mind how relaxing is it to spend time in the company of someone you care about, regardless of the activity.I don't know, more questions less answers
Kman productions.............

F... off

Common assumption, all men wonna see breasts, thighs, nudity etc etc, we obsess over sex for most of our lives and we are nothing but pigs or dogs maybe even both. Why is that when am @ work, my male colleagues will always point out a pretty woman to me? Some scantly dressed woman walks into the store, summer season doesn't help and the auto response is "Kman look @ that ass". For fuck sake, I've got bigger things to think about than some scattered ass walking through a store. God forbid I walk into the tea room and it happens to be males on their break, "Kman there was this chick", "did you see that chick", "man she had", I don't give a shit. For all I care Pamela Anderson may be walking through the store and I probably wouldn't go out of my way to oggle. Godamn! Fellows am sick and tired of being treated like a perv just because the guy before me was an ass. Are there no nice guys out there?

The next time I am stopped just because a chick has walked by, I will hang you, your mate and maybe the guy standig next to you. Why isn't there anyone telling me about the new Solaris OS that is out, or the best way to partition your hard drive? I want to believe I could function without oggling, wouldn't you?

Kman productions...................

Monday, December 19, 2005

I can

For the last year or so I have had the desire to build my own site, custom designed for kman. In that year, I have also had other plans which I hoped to pursue. Truth is, I've achieved little in terms of my goals for the year and this scares the hell out of me. How many times does your husband,boyfriend, brother, uncle etc offer to fix the leak in the roof, the exposed cables and maybe even fix the car; only to make it worse or even worse not do it prolonging the suffering? I am guessing am not the only one realising that there are better ways to lead my life than trying to do everything myself. Last year I swore I'd better myself academically and I have, not as well as I'd hoped but I have. What are we do when we are faced by situations where we either ask for professional help or attempt to solve the problem ourselves? I am going for the professional help over my own insight, asking isn't stupidity; thinking I can solve everything, now that is plain dumb!

What to do about my website, www.ctips.net ? I will use a free template, modify it slightly to suit, that is what I do best; modify. Who are kidding trying to think we can do it all? I've stretched myself to thin that I can't complete anything anymore. I have too many pending projects and I guess it's time to cut down and concentrate on what is most beneficial. I've already known what ctips.net was going host, advise to the lay people of Australia and hopefully elsewhere on but not limited to computer, telecommunication, digital technology. I happen to have no life of my own, though this is changing thanks to a young lady I met. (that is narration for another day). I've spent too much time trying to learn things that I realise I could save you the time and maybe answer some of your questions @ ctips, upcoming soon, it better be soon.

Key points, ask professionals they are there for a reason and they also have bills to pay. If we fixed all our problems, how would they earn a living? Let someone with the know how advise you on the difficult issues, I can't do everything. I'd like to think I could but reality is, I can't and nor can you.

Kman productions.........

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tax cuts

Tax cuts, the only topic that will cause most citizens to unite in demanding for that extra $5 a week. In the last Australian Financial year, the average Joe recieved an average of about $5-$7 extra a week in future tax cuts. Most people in the know would probably hae had this money spent elseshere where collectively the $5*5million*52 =13billion may solve quite a few national problems; medicare, infrastructure etc etc. It has never seized to amaze me how we as citizens will forget all about the queueing time in public hospitals whenever the Treasurer announces more tax cuts, we die for this cuts.

Budget surplus----please define

Simply put if you spend less than you had planned for, then you have a surplus. Use this same principle when addressing a project engineer and you may end up forming part of the concrete slab if he happens to be a constructions project engineer. A budget surplus should ideally be what is left after a service has been delivered at a lesser cost but while quality has not been compromised. National surplus, I bet you've had to queue in a hospital, hopefully not holding onto your guts as you wait for the doctor. How many times have you been to a government office and found fewer than cival servants staff? But no! We want that extra $5 for a Happy Meal at the local Mc D's, $5 for health care benefits?

Australia has announced a possible $12 billion dollar surplus, have they paid the national debt roughly 10 times that surplus. Have you been provided with all essential services? Am not talking about welfare, but essential services that governments ought to provide for you taxes. Next time a budget surplus is announced, followed by possible tax cuts, put your thinking cap on. Has the governmet fulfilled its obligations, delivered services without compromising on quality. If they have, then maybe your entitled to that extra serve of fat at Mc Ds, Hungry Jacks, KFC or whatever catches your eye. But then again, it's people like you that clog our hopsitals with obese related ailments that the real health issues are not addressed. Am sick, am Fat. Back to surplus and deficit, think about it.

Kman Productions.......................

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

old people, eew!

Turning 18 was meant to be the next big thing, I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted; or so I thought. After many years of being told what to do and how to do it, I thought this would be the loophole I'd been waiting for, rebel to the max! 18 came and after much excitement on the day, I realised that turning 18 would also mean I was held accountable fo all my action; the law of the land applied to me. Before this milestone, my actions were always taken to be that of a young confused child, prosecution was out of the question. Ironically turning 18 meant I had to be careful of what I did, no more baby steps. 2 days ago I was on my way to work, in the bus were a few senior citizens, probably on their way to a bowling club. My perception of old people has always been that of respect, but after a certain age respect is replaced with suspicion. Not that they will hurt me, afterall the older you get the more fragile you get, am in my prime years;I could take them.

Am in the bus and my only thoughts were, how much knowledge is locked in these people? What have they gone through that I could tap and learn from them, save me the trouble of making similar mistakes they'd have made? Society tends to alienate the older generation, admit them into retirement homes where they will not bother us. We visit them during special ocassions, birthdays, Xmas and funerals (their funerals). How much do you think we could learn from these people? Yes, I know they are not into the Ipod like we are but am sure there are certain truths that never change. Isn't life, life whether it be back in the 1950s or in 2005? Only difference would be we all have cell phones and pretend to torelate other people(races), back then it was outright open contempt.

Pause for a second, think about how much info your grandpa, grandma, parents may have before relegating into the aged heap we all like to heap them in.

Kman Productions................

I will

It is very amazing how people don't seem to know the power of what they utter. A parent tells their child that they will buy them candy if they behave, the child expects candy now, on the proviso they have been 'nice'. So what happens when the candy purchase is not fulfilled? Logically, one would be expected to show anger, frustration and feel betrayed, "what an idiot I've been", such thoughts wouldn't be far off from their minds. "If you are a good boy, I will buy you that push bike you always wanted", poor boy tries for a whole year to be good waiting for that bike; probably never hears of it again. What happens when we as adults are dealing with each other and we say we will do certain things, and don't fulfill our side of the deal? Simple uttering, "I will come by your office at 1400hrs, take you for lunch", would you believe this and for-go your scheduled lunch break at 1200hrs expecting lunch at 1400hrs? What if the other person doesn't show nor call? What logical grace period would you give before spitting the dummy and ordering in your lunch,? It's late and your starving, angry and disappointed; not a good mixture.

"Hey, I will call you at 1900hrs tonight", you get home at 1800hrs enough time to freshen up have your dinner and prepare for that phone call that was meant to be coming. The clock ticks past 1930hrs, no call yet, 2000hrs nothing. At this point you realise that you could have done something more constructive than sit by the phone waiting, call someone else but you wanted to keep the line free, just in case your caller calls. Am I the only one that will clear my schedule when, " I will call you @ -----hrs", is mentioned to you? Have you found yourself testing whether your phone is working when the apparent phone call doesn't come through? I have dialed my own number, sent myself a text, just to make sure their is nothing wrong on my end.

Should you believe what people tell you, make time for them or should you lead your life without a plan and squeeze in your friends when they call? What ever happened to simply honouring our word, why say you will and then not do it? What purpose does it serve that you put someone else hopes up, only to disappoint? When will I ever learn? Do us all a favour, don't waste our time and hope, just keep it to yourself if you don't intend to fulfill your end of the agreement. After all you're the one that brought it up, we were happy with that we were doing.

So why did I wake up @ 0244hrs to write this, I don't know.

Kman Productions.........................

Monday, December 12, 2005


You spend your entire life protecting yourself against what you perceive as a loophole for heartache, then one day you decide to let go of your protective barrier and experience what life is all about. Since the day you were born, most of your life has been pre-programmed and many activities choreographed by parents,relative and gurdians. You are supposed to meet a girl you like when the year turn 2011, when you turn 30. These are the rules set before you were born and what options do you have but to follow. One would understand, when your folks draw out such plans for your life, they are trying to make life as safe as they can for you. So what happens when you meet a girl you like, hopefully she likes you and these events don't coincide with the pre-set activities for that year? Please remember that most of your life activities have almost been calculated for you and once you reached the age of consent, you took over the planning; sticking to most of what had been determined before you.

A girl comes into your life, forget the plans for they seem to be flawed, why didn't they involve her? As you get to know each other you realise you like her, does she like you the same way you do. Should you ask, assume she does? What do you do when she leaves for a while, to a far far land? Do you sit in your room mourning for that whole period, or do you mourn for a few days and then move on with the remainder of your life? After all she will be coming back, even though it takes more than you'd like. Why does life take such turns? Are you tired of being told that you can''t whin because others have it worse than you do? Am I not allowed to be sad, show anger, disgust or hatred because others have it worse than I do? I understand the logic behind such advise, whatever the case, there will always be some individual who got the raw end of the deal. So, who then is allowed to mourn and show anger when life takes the wrong turn? One thing is for sure, I will need help in coping with the seperation, now that is the plain truth.

Kman Productions........................................

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I hate it

One of your friends tells you that they are leaving the country, moving in with their new boyfriend; they don't speak the language. Considering that you have been cast as the supporting kind, what sort of advise would you offer your puppy love crazed friend? Probably the first question would be how long they've known each other and how they propose to support each other. Is the boyfriend and apparent heir to one of the Spanish monarchs or heir to an oil magnate? Regardless of whether the boyfriend is going to support her, what advise would you as friend offer. Friends are there to offer support, yet in most cases we are also there to chastise our lost/confused mates. Don't they hate it when you tell them that you thought it would be a mistake? They should try it out in the land they both know before moving to a new country, that was my sentiment; please try it out here before taking such a leap. "Please!" They ignored my plea, planned the trip, quit work, booked the flight and even hosted a farewell party, a party I attended. Today I learn my friend happens to be in the country, applied for her old job and now is trying to settle back in, apparently a fight caused a change of heart. Poor thing, what am I to say next time we meet? "I told you so"?

I hate it when am right because it generally means that someone else is suffering, 'I told you so' wouldn't be the most appropriate nor sensitive statement. Why is it that at our age most of us are making such rush decisions? Don't we pause to think before we leap? How hard is it to project 5 years from now and judge whether the path we are about to take is right for us. It may seem right, C'mon! We are so excited that a new avenue has become available that we barely stop to evaluate the facts. My best and worst quality is the ability to project beyond the next day, month, year and maybe next decade. The few friends remaining think am too cautious and think too much, maybe I do. How do you balance 'living'(as they put it), logic and common sense? Statistics prove that I have been right in majority of the predictions I have made about the paths most people I know have taken. I am no believer in clarvoyancy and all that 'rubbish', my career path doesn't allow me to deal with superstition but numbers, they are yet to let me down.

Offering sound unbiased advise to your friends(2 are left for me) is vital, as is offering support when they falter. I hate being right, am a pessimist and life is very interesting when you analyze your own life. Obviously am biased when it comes to my life but, I hope I have friends who could offer me logical and unbiased advise. As a firm pro-facts activists I also have learnt that some times, it's expected we act from our heart and not reason through everything we do. Sometimes impulse is expected, I don't advise it but who am I kidding here? We aren't robots and I don't advocate dictatorial reasoning and actions in judgement, all I say is reason before you leap. Have you heard the famous excuse for infidelity, fights and lewd behaviour, "I was drunk"? I have been drunk and unless you were planning on cheating, fighting before you began drinking, chances are you will have a quiet (ignore the impression you get that you have to speak over everyone else) and majority of the times get home without a bruise, maybe broke.

Kman Productions.....................

Friday, December 09, 2005


You have mail! You have mail! You have mail! Most us will associate this annoying phrase will sleepless in Seattle or Time warner AOL internet service provider. Emailing has always been fun when you get actual people responding to your emails. After work, the first thing I do is check mail, both electronic and hard copy. For some reason all I get in the mail are bill and junk mail, my emails are slightly different in the sense all I get is spam and chain emails. There are certains I don't get in this life, who has the time to read through a chain email that has gone through 50+ email addresses and by the time it gets to your inbox, a 3Kb document is now in the 100s Kb; extra email recipients you don't know and don't want to know. Here is how it starts, you receive notification that you have email and off you heart races, who could it be that gilr I met at the bar, could it be my long lost school mate? You mind is racing, then BOOM! the subject has a fwd: prefix and you realise it's another chain email or some Nigerian scam trying to get you hard earned $$ through some shady deal.

Anybody that sends me forwarded emails may have realised that they are quickly crossed off my emailing list, I don't have the time to read rubbish. A funny picture may be tolerated but one those " please send to 5 people and you will recieve your wish", try again. Back in high school I fell for one of this pranks, the deal was to send letters to 5 people and in a matter of days I'd recieve 50 letters. Ok! I admit I was slow then, maybe I still haven't quite grown up but as they once bitten twice shy. People still send these chain letters and am amazed at the number of responses these emails get. Check out a few of my favourites

"Yahoo is auditing the email accounts and yours will be deactivated if you don't send that email to everyone in your address book"

"Bill Gates' Microsoft is offering money to poeple that forward that email, the perks are per email, the more emails you send the more money Gates will give you"

"The Nigerian banker who has unclaimed money in a Swiss account and needs your help tp unlock the money"

"If you love Jesus, send this to at least 5 people to show your love of God" I wonder what the WWJD bracelet wearers would do in this situation.?

etc etc etc

kman productions.................


You apply for leave to travel home and it's declined, you later apply for leave to sit for your exams and that to is declined, the only way out is to report the matter to the employee union. An employer seems to assume that they own their employees and most believe their staff's lives revolve around their workplace. Wouldn't that be the perfect work horse? One that will set aside personal ambition and social setting to fulfil the needs of the employer. How much freedom do we have when it comes to our jobs? How many of us are able to negotiate better deals without fear of retaliation? When you call in sick, does your employer treat you like you have commited a cardinal sin? Mine does and I really don't care anymore, with time even the best will lose it and let apathy take root. How much rubbish can you take before you lose interest in the company you work for and begin to look out for yourself? It took me a mere 4 years and now I think I have reached my tethers limit, anything more and I will explode. Gentleman they used to say when they refered to me, even that has worn thin and only God knows the thought I harbour.
Have you on an ocassion had terrible thoughts about your workplace, you tend to see fires on the evening news and for that split second you kinda hope it was you office or factory that went up in smoke. If you don't, I have had these thoughts, just thoughts for a milisecond before regaining my full senses.

What use is it that your employer will not give you the due respect and curtesy and then in return you lose interest in advancing their mission and business goals. Since when did dictatorship result in long term benefit to either party. The tyrant may fell that s/he has power and control but eventually there is a coup and governments/companies/organisations colapse. Some of you may ask, what if the company I work for is a multi-billion dollar company? In my experience staff in such organosations are no more than numbers;fodder in better terms. You think your resignation will hurt them? Think again and if these are you thoughts, you are better off elsewhere. Does your employer really care about your health? If you think yes, let me surprise you, my experience teaches me otherwise. The last injury I had at work was strain related, similar to the previous 3. Now with these repetitive injuries common sense would be to asses why staff are prone to them. But noooo! My employer thought it fit to retrain me on how to lift objects, well and good.

Could anyone pick the fault in this kind of approach? What if the problem was with the tasks being assigned, could it be that the tasks are not safe and need rethinking? Why is the employee always in need of retraining when accidents occur? My lesson from this, any sort of injury will result in my going home and seeing the company doctor. Understand that this is not you family business, unless of course it happens to be. For most of us, we are aren't that lucky to be working in the family business and we can't afford to injure ourselves working for some conglomerate. It simply isn't worth it, trust me I know.

kman productions......................